operational cost

英 [ˌɒpəˈreɪʃənl kɒst] 美 [ˌɑːpəˈreɪʃənl kɔːst]

网络  运营成本; 经营成本; 运行成本; 营业成本; 运作成本



  1. SSO reduces operational cost and time to access data.
  2. By combining IT assets in composite business applications, BPM can achieve greater process-level flexibility, faster time to market, and reduced operational cost.
  3. The retailer achieves reduced operational cost related to maintenance, space allocation, and power consumption.
  4. Moreover, software applications do not have sufficient flexibility in being able to control the allocated resources of their applications ( like dynamically allocating more resources for dealing with increasing workload or dynamically reducing the allocated resources in order to reduce the operational cost).
  5. This concept of mobility creates issues of security and manageability of data and applications, and both issues limit the effectiveness of mobile solutions while increasing their operational cost.
  6. Any isolation strategy, when taken beyond its logical usefulness, will incur additional operational cost.
  7. Also, the operational cost of electricity from a nuclear power station is considerably lower than the country's oil and gas-fired generation plants.
  8. Discussion on Application of Operational Cost Method in Drilling Cost Accounting;
  9. The bank will be concerned that you have made realistic cash flow and operational cost assumptions, and that you have a sound marketing strategy.
  10. The researchers claim ECS can more than halve the energy consumption of processors in data centres at "little or no operational cost".
  11. With a system designed based on current approaches, most of the changes are handled manually at a great operational cost.
  12. The company already controls Fox and expects to see operational cost savings of about$ 3 million to$ 7 million.
  13. With the concept of combining sports with tourism and increasing popularity of beach sports in Asia at low operational cost, the OCA created the Asian Beach Games.
  14. In the paper the author analyzed the methods to control the operational cost in administration unit.
  15. The important role of technological progress in reducing operational cost of mine is briefly analysed.
  16. Such technologies and experience in Ekou iron mine as perfecting development& haulage system and reducing operational cost;
  17. The results show that both the investment cost and the operational cost are lower than those of the burning method.
  18. On the other hand, it not only brings the hidden danger to the development for the entire economy, but also affects the development of the capital market under the opening condition, as well as aggravates operational cost of the bank.
  19. Operational cost calculation and management should be introduced;
  20. This processes have been low operational cost, simple operation and not to produce second pollution.
  21. High exit rate will lead to the nonperforming loan and the operational cost increase.
  22. Effective membrane fouling control techniques can increase the flux and the system stability, and reduce the maintenance and operational cost.
  23. This article mainly discusses the significance, difficulties and tactics of applying operational cost control in Chinese enterprises.
  24. Increase the output of the hospital nursing work and reduce its operational cost;
  25. Give a technical, economic analysis and profit evaluation by estimating sales and operational cost.
  26. Operational cost method is a kind of advanced cost calculation and management method.
  27. The study show that information sharing can effectively solve these problem and reduce the operational cost in supply chain.
  28. In this paper, I will write that the theoretical cost analysis and control based on the proposed standard cost management, target cost management and operational cost management and cost combination of budget management and operational cost management thinking of a combination of theoretical research.
  29. Secondly, facing the recourse constraints of production capability, make the improvement study on HR management; equipment overall efficiency; raw material supply and production control system to optimize company whole operational plan, increase the production capability and cut down the operational cost as well.
  30. The financing and rental income of the Project can satisfy the requirements of the project investment, debt service in operation period, operational cost, enterprise income tax and rental tax. The origin of capital and application completely meet the project investment targets.